Asphalt Sealcoating Complete

Our asphalt driveways have endured a lot with the heavy equipment and activity of the past construction. Many surface cracks were evident leaving the asphalt vulnerable to more damage from the upcoming winter. Kudos to our fast acting Board and Property Management for getting the driveways seal coated before further damage could occur.

Asphalt Sealcoating

Scope of project

The asphalt surface of the community is scheduled for sealcoating on Tuesday, Oct. 28th. Vehicles will not be able to enter or leave the community until Wednesday, 10:00 AM OR until barricades have been removed by a Black Diamond representative. Vehicle owners will be charged for damage done by driving over the newly sealed asphalt. Vehicles remaining on the asphalt surface are subject to tow at owners’ expense. Vehicles may remain inside garages throughout this project, however they will not be allowed to drive out over the asphalt between indicated hours. Please make sure all vehicles have been relocated prior to start
time of the project. Please note, driving over wet seal coat will leave “paint” splatters on your vehicle that can not easily be removed. Also, the sooner we are able to begin the project, the sooner it will be dry enough to drive on. Every effort will be made to open the property to traffic on Tuesday night. Once barricades have been removed by a Black Diamond representative, it is safe to drive on the newly sealed asphalt. For questions or concerns, before or during the project, please contact Kris Karr, 510-709-5720 or email at kkarr@blackdiamon
In addition to this notice, there are door hangers forth coming.

Dates and Times

Two Day Project..Weather permitting..

Driveway Access Closed-Tuesday October 28TH, 7:30AM
Driveway Access Opens-Wednesday October 29TH 10:00AM

Project Manager: Kritina Karr
ph. (510) 709-5720