Volunteer Needed

Interested in assisting the web administrator?. I need updated content for the site on a regular basis, such as; large upcoming projects (sealing driveways, major landscaping, fence and gate repairs, etc.) Please contact me if you are interested in volunteering to provide this information for the website. The information you provide will be verified and approved by management prior to posting on the website. Thank you for your interest.

Website Upgrades

I have recently upgraded our member login process which you should find easier to use and function better than what we had previously been using. This also includes a members section. Update your profile with a selfie and maybe a little info about yourself. The members page can only be viewed by members that are login.

July 3RD-4TH Event Pictures

Send your pictures from the Downtown Torchlight Parade July 3RD or July 4TH Picnic in the Park. All submissions will be screened and one will be featured in our Pic Of The Month, for the entire month of July.

Send your photo’s to [email protected]

Please only send one or two.

Thank you and Good Luck!
